SLEEP: It Does a Body Good

SLEEP: It Does a Body Good

A better night’s sleep plays a surprisingly powerful role in helping you achieve your fitness and weight-loss goals. Here’s how sleep supports your journey to better health: 1. Regulates Hunger Hormones Sleep directly impacts the hormones that control appetite:...
Back Pain and Stress

Back Pain and Stress

The Hidden Link Between Emotional Stress and Back Pain: A Customer Story We recently received a call from a customer who was experiencing back pain just a few weeks after purchasing one of our mattresses. Initially, he was doing well—sleeping soundly and feeling...
Kapok Pillows and More

Kapok Pillows and More

Kapok filling has been a favorite for decades. This ultra-soft and fluffy material comes from the pods of the kapok tree, often called silk java. On my own bed, I’ve got every one of our pillows! Choosing a pillow can be very personal and tricky to recommend....